
Scientific Revolution (Political/Diplomatic)

The major political conflicts were over issues like succession, serfdom, and breaking of diplomatic agreements. Rulers in this era often tried to follow "enlightened absolutism" when reforming their governments. The major players in political disputes were Prussia, Austria, and Russia. Frederick William I, at the onset, broke the Pragmatic Sanction which guaranteed Maria Theresa to take the throne, by invading Silesia. Prussian population increased along with its power, as Theresa yielded Silesian lands. Theresa joined forces with rulers of France and Russia to go against Prussia and divide up its lands-- this ended up being the Seven Years' War. As a result of the war, Frederick of Prussia reformed his bureaucracy. The nobility in Prussia enjoyed more privileges as they were major contributors to the army and state.

Catherine the Great was a ruler who especially tried to govern in an enlightened way. She emphasized domestic culture but more importantly reforms with her new law code with wishes to strengthen education and the government. Catherine stopped trying to reform the system when Pugachev tried to overthrow her unsuccessfully.

Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great: "For to tempt and to be tempted are things very nearly allied... whenever feeling has anything to do in the matter, no sooner is it excited than we have already gone vastly farther than we are aware of. "

Frederick II

 Federick II: "If my soldiers were to begin to think, not one of them would remain in the army."

1740 - 1780(40 years)

Reign of Maria Theresa

1740 - 1786(46 years)

Frederick II reigns

Followed his father, Frederick William I’s footsteps

European War of the Austrian Succession
1740 - 1748(8 years)

European War of the Austrian Succession

Ruler Maria Theresa of Austria was forced to give up much of Silesia to Frederick of Prussia— he had turned against the terms of the “Pragmatic Sanction”, an agreement that guaranteed Theresa’s succession.

1756 - 1763(7 years)

Seven Years' War

Maria Theresa joined forces with France and Russian leaders to conquer and split up Prussia.

1762 - 1796(34 years)

Reign of Catherine the Great

Peter III


Peter III's rescue

Peter III calls off the alliance formed against Frederick.

1768 - 1772(4 years)

Catherine's coup

Catherine desired to partition Poland led to the disruption of power between Austria and Russia.


1st partition of Poland

Emelian Pugachev

Pugachev's Rebellion
Emelian Pugachev was a Cossack soldier who attempted to get rid of taxes, army service, and serfdom. He was eventually executed, and Catherine's future policies never revolved around improving the conditions for serfs-- she gave nobles absolute control. 

1790 - 1792(2 years)

Reign of Leopold II

Partitions of Poland


2nd Partition of Poland


3rd Partition of Poland


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